Tarot Boundaries & Ethics
Tarot can be an amazing and powerful tool for guidance! But it has also been misused to scare and prey on the vulnerable. When watching The Con recently with my wife, Johanna, the show had an episode called “The Psychic Con,” that described horrible incidents where con artists used the Tarot, and other divination tools to extort large amounts of money from grieving people. I was disgusted; it angered me that people would twist this art into a scheme, and worst of all, take advantage of people who are already hurting so much. Disgusting!
It hit me that I needed to speak up about why what I do is different from these scam artists. I’ve been to cheap tarot readers who have lured me in with low prices and tricks, only to push me hard for more money or tell me that I was cursed and needed them to lift it with expensive candles or ritual. Luckily, I never went deep down the path with any of them.
I know one of these women is still active in South Norwalk, CT where I went for a reading about six years ago and met her a year before that when she was set up in Old Saybrook, CT. At the time, I wasn't a reader and I didnt know all these scammy tricks. She told me I needed to pay hundreds of dollars to heal my broken heart after a break up. Looking back, I should have gotten up and left. When you’re hurting, you don’t give it as much thought as you should. A broken heart will do anything to heal.
I realized after watching this show that it was critical for me to write my own Code of Ethics for myself and the readers I welcome into my shop. I know the value this form of guidance can have when used appropriately and no one should ever feel pressured or scared while in a reading. If you visit my shop, I want you to feel safe. I have written the Do’s and Don’t of what a Tarot Reader should and shouldn’t do.
What a Tarot Reader should not do:
Tarot is for guidance purposes. While intuitive and psychic readers can be quite gifted, they may not always be correct. Take mental note of what feels right to you and leave anything that doesn’t. Please remember that we can’t guarantee results. We do not claim responsibility for any actions taken post-reading, as all human beings operate under free will.
Take all matters around health or legal concerns with a grain of salt. Questions regarding specific health or legal issues should be brought to the attention of your personal physician or the appropriate legal professional. My products and services do not replace consultations with a medical professional. While I may offer guidance and make products recommendations, by purchasing them, you are accepting responsibility for your health and well-being. Please consult your doctor or medical professional if you have additional concerns.
If the Reading costs $5, don’t go there. That is how they suck you in because it seems so cheap. Once they see where your weaknesses are they will push you to spend more for more information, or expensive items to lift curses, etc.
Tarot readers should not tell you that you are cursed! This is incredibly dangerous! If a reader tells you that there is a curse on your family that only they can lift - and it will cost a hefty price - get up and leave immediately! Any Tarot Reader with a code of ethic would never
Readings should be a flat amount you consent to before you decide to have a reading. If you feel pressured to give more during or after your reading, please leave.
Not all readers are meant for you. If you have a reading from someone and it didn't feel like it made a difference for you, perhaps you selected the wrong reader. It's very much like dating, or finding a good therapist - it's a very personal chemistry that needs to make sense to have a good experience.
What you can expect from a reputable reader:
Our intention is always to serve you from a place of well-being and healing. Your reader should have a Code of Ethics, that their practice is meant to be a therapeutic practice designed to help you through a difficult time.
You should feel safe with your reader. Most people turn to readers when they are feeling vulnerable and are in need to support. In these moments when you are feeling particularly vulnerable, people can take advantage of you. Protect yourself by going to a reputable reader.
Readings can be a collaborative effort. If you need help beyond what we can deliver, we can suggest other services or qualified people to help with your specific needs. This includes coaches, therapists, reiki healers, teachers, or other professionals in various fields. We will respect the limits of our craft.
Confidentiality is important to us. So many people come to readers when they are in need and share very personal experiences with us. Your information and records, if we keep any, are confidential and are kept in a secure and private place in accordance with state and federal regulations.
Those of us at Tea & Tarot believe in equality and acceptance. We are a safe place. We respect and support people of all races, creed, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, political and social status. In fact we are here to help you survive and thrive, just as you are!